The city of Pinsk has the third largest population in the Brest region and the tenth in the Republic of Belarus.
At the beginning of 2021, 125,900 people live in the city, among which 75,220 people are of the working age or 59.8% of the total number of residents, 25,490 people or 20.3% are younger than working age and 25,190 people or 20.0% are older than working age.
45.9 % of the total number of residents in the city or 57,821 people are male, 54.1 % of the total number of residents or 68,079 people are female.
The number of employed people on August 1, 2021 is 51,869 people.
According to the types of economic activity, the number of employed population of the city for the period January-July 2021 is distributed as follows:
The average age of an employee at the beginning of 2021 is 43.3 years.The distribution of the number of employees by age groups out of the total number of employees in the city of 54156 people is laid out as follows:
The average age of the city employee is 42.4 years.
On September 1, 2021, 138 unemployed people are registered in the Department of Labor and Employment and Social Protection of the Pinsk City Executive Committee, 95 of them are men (68.8% of the total number of unemployed registered), 43 are women (31.2% of the total number of unemployed registered). Among the registered men, 15.8% have higher education, 17.9% have specialized secondary education, 43.2% havevocational-technical education. Among the registered women, 18.6% have higher education, 25.6% have specialized secondary education, 30.2% have vocational-technical education.
The unemployment rate is 0.3 % of the economically active population and do not exceed the forecast indicator (1.0%). The number of available jobs (vacancies)offered is 1,137. The need for qualified workers is 61.6 % of the total number of proposed jobs declared by employers. Labor market tension is 0.1.